Watermead Music: Collection 5
Alongside our CD recordings we make available some of our hymns as sheet music and as individual MP3 tracks. Click on the buttons where given to go through to our internet shop to purchase sheet music and MP3 track downloads as well as our CD recordings.

Going Home

  • Composer: Alison Kennedy
  • Lyrics: John Daley IC
  • Date: 1995
  • Collection Ref. (Opus No.) C5-04
  • Scriptural References: Luke 2:51, Matthew 2:23, John 2:12
  • Dedication: Monty


This hymn/song is particularly suited to funeral services and requiem mass, but can be suitable for any occasion or liturgy that focuses on life after death and the Resurrection. It shares the gratitude for having lived and the conviction that we shall all meet again in heaven.

Going Home - the People Story


At a Monday morning mass the congregation were told of the sudden and unexpected death of Monty Stradling. A few days earlier he had returned home to his native Ireland with his wife, Sheila, and two friends for a holiday. Whilst there he had fallen and died instantly. He was a much-loved parishioner and the news caused a very emotional response amongst those present. At the same time the melody came to Alison and it was seen as a parting gift from Monty. Fr John wrote then wrote the lyrics and its first singing was at Monty's funeral. 

Going Home - The Recording

The first recording of this hymn was for the orignal "Life A Journey Shared" cassette recording of 1995 which has since been transferred to CD. Fr John Daley sang the first first and was joined by the then Watermead Singers. The track was also included as the final track on the "People of God" CD. See our Music Shop to obtain CD and the sheet music.

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