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Fr John Daley IC (RIP)

Co-founder of the Watermead Apostolate

died on Sunday 10th March 2024

He had been suffering from myeloma cancer for the past 3 years, although had remained the priest serving St Joseph's parish up until a month before he died and his involvement with our Watermead Apostolate until the end of life.

Fr John was born in Splott in Cardiff, Wales, and joined the Institute of Charity (nick-named the "Rosminians" after their founder, Antonio Rosmini), serving in parishes, schools and missions in the UK, Canada, New Zealand.

He will be received into St Joseph's Church on Wednesday 10th April at 7.00 pm and his Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday 11th April at 11.00 am.

We are hoping to livestream both services.

"Requiescat in Pace"

Below is the last mass celebrated by Fr John at St Joseph's, Leicester, before the final stages of his illness and hospital admission prevented him from taking his place at the altar.

Below is a link to the last mass celebrated by Fr John at St Joseph's. Unfortunately, the following Monday he had a serious reaction to the chemotherapy drug and was taken into hospital. Once out of hospital he spent his final 4 months in his prayer room.


Both Funeral liturgies for Fr John were live-streamed through the parish YouTube channel which can be accessed through by searching "St Joseph's Leicester Live" or clicking on the following link to access the channel.

St Joseph's Leicester  Livestream Channel

Following both funeral liturgies there will be a "tidied" version of the livestreams available on this Watermead website.

Service Sheet insides can be downloaded by following the links below (no covers). Copies of service booklets will be available after the dates and can be ordered l(details later)

Our Community Newsletter

On 2nd February Bishop Patrick asked Fr John to retire owing to ill health and a new priest was appointed. The new priest took over the parish on 3rd February and immediately stopped St Joseph's parish newsletter in favour of the new cluster parish newsletter. As so many Watermead followers kept up-to-date with our news through the St Joseph's parish newsletter we began the Community Newsletter and these are available by clicking on the buttons below.

Watermead Voices
See latest blog below or search for an author/theme
by Fr John Daley IC 01 Jul, 2023
What we call 'original sin' is not of Adam and Eve - it is sin of man and woman, a universal story of every age . . .
by Fr John Daley IC 04 Jun, 2023
Fr John explores the life of the Holy Trinity and how the human trinity reflects that life.
02 Jan, 2022
Thoughts on the love we can share with each other and those we care for and about - we are born from eternity
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or our Community News Updates

If you have any comments or questions regarding "The Lord's Day" newsletter then please do contact us using the form below and we shall do our best to assist you.
Back Copies of our newsletters are also available through the above pass-worded link.
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Background to 'The Lord's Day' newsletters

The Lord’s Day weekly newsletter is part of our sharing and is offered as a free download for duplicating and sharing within parish communities.  The newsletter began a number of years ago when Father John was asked to put on paper the insights he shares at the regular retreats he preaches. He wrote a weekly reference guide for the Sunday readings at Mass and, as we worked on a page design, it was decided to offer these as a weekly newsletter - sharing a living faith from parish and apostolate experience.

The Questions of Faith section comes from our parish “Questions of Faith” discussion group; People of God may be the living saints who have shared the journey with us or the people who have inspired us; the weekly message is

summed up through the Theme and the This Week activity; and, of course, no Watermead venture is complete without the “Little Saints” who add their humour and heart through the Wisdom from the Saints cartoon.

We know that downloading The Lord’s Day offers people various options. Readers have told us that they find it useful to the ir Sunday Mass preparation and we know that parishes download and reproduce it for their congregations – with some using it as part of their own parish newsletter. However people choose to share the newsletter is fine with us - we are just pleased to be able to serve the wider Church community.


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